Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ellie's LCS Talent Show 2013 performance (video)

For this year's Ledyard Center School Talent Show, Ellie sang "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera, solo on stage.  Most singers in the show sang along with a regular track - Ellie was one of the only two who only had instrumentation accompanying them.  We are so proud of her!

(Apologies for the tiny phone-cam video - need to upgrade before "Annie Jr." next month!!!!)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New writer FTW!!!

Hey everyone - Blendermann Lane just got a little younger!  You have a new writer starting right now and that's me - Ellie! I'm so happy to be here with all my family, but things can get rough.  Me and my dear mother Sarah Blenderbutt may be going all the way to Rhode Island to see a circus movie.  We have been a little busy but..... we're back!  I will have many adventures ahead but until then,

Later Lovelies!

Monday, March 7, 2011

CMT Crushers!!!!

This week, the annual Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) will be administered at Matt and Ellie's school, so we sent them in this morning with custom T-shirts to set the tone. (We were going for the kind of monster-truck-show attitude with the whole thing...)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back to School - what a difference 3 years makes!

2007 - Matt starts 2nd grade, Ellie starts kindergarten

2010 - Matt starts 5th grade, Ellie starts 3rd grade!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Birthday jottings!

After many, many weeks of silence - months, really - a sudden update from the Blendermanns! In the form of two birthday-related images...

First, the motley band of laser-tag warriors who participated in our epic surprise birthday party for Matthew! The most diabolical element of our surprise was waiting to throw the party until nearly 6 months after his birthday - his guard was definitely lowered!

Next, for those inquiring minds who want to know, here's Ellie's birthday wish list, written in her own inimitable style. The handwriting's a bit tricky to read, but you can click on the image for a larger version - lest you miss a single detail! A real snake! Yikes!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Showbiz Kids

In case you were out of the country last Friday (ahem - it was Grand Cayman, OK?) and missed the Ledyard Center School 2010 Talent Show, you're in luck: Our blessed friends (and proprietors of the world-famous Sarge's Comics), who unfailingly take pictures of every school event that features their daughter, were kind enough to take video of the entire talent show, and post those videos on YouTube. Yay!

And thus we have, Ellie and her friend Sarah, duetting on "Yellow Submarine" (look for them around the 3-minute mark of this video):

And Matt and his friend Josh, debuting The Matt & Josh Comedy Show:

Needless to say, here at Blendermann Lane we're bursting our buttons with pride, and predicting that this might not be the last time we see our kids on a stage!

*Note: If you'd like to see all 11 videos from the LCS 2010 Talent Show, point your browser to YouTube, and search on "harpozep".

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oops, We Did It Again...

Instant hilarity: put your kids' pictures in those JibJab "Elf Yourself" cards. Hours of entertainment!!!!

Sorry if you missed it - the holiday videos expire on Jan. 15th...